Saturday 30 June 2018

Time management tips - how to do more in less time?

Importance of Time Management Tips

time management tips

A tiresome topic - this time management tips. One of the most heard sentences in the exam time is "I have no time, I have to learn". This "having no time" is something very common. But why are there people who somehow always do better and make things better? The answer is to put time management in combination with priorities. But how is it possible to do more in less time? Here are 7 time management tips to help you make better use of your time and get more done.

Daily Planning

This is one of trivial time management tips, but still the most important of them all. If you want to be successful, you have to plan your day. Nobody can pass it. The most successful personalities, such as Apple founder Steve Jobs, have always done so.

There is no trick on how you can save time or how the clock runs slower. The only thing you can do is not live the day. In the best case, you should always sit down the evening before and plan the next day as detailed as possible. What are your appointments, when do you have lunch and dinner, how much cooking time do you have to plan, do you have to go shopping, when do you go shopping - all these questions should be answered in the evening.

How you do it is up to you. You can do it by hand, or on the computer. Helpful are also special software, such as Trello.

Important Tricks

Now a few important tricks that you should keep in mind when planning your day:

Pay attention to your priorities. Important and urgent activities should take up most of the time and be processed first. How to plan your priorities you will find in Tip # 4.

  • Schedule buffering times. Best in the morning and afternoon 45 minutes. In this way, an unannounced phone call, an extensive homework assignment, or a squeezed presentation preparation will not mess up your entire daily schedule.

  • Tarpaulin in blocks. Block times for specific tasks and include them in your daily schedule. For example Lecture "Accounting" 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm and then 3:45 pm - 4:30 pm follow-up of the lecture.

  • Also, plan recreational activities such as sports and friends.

  • Take enough free time during the day. Be it for half an hour in the morning and one hour in the evening. You should use this time to avoid stress. For a relaxed breakfast in the morning or a series in the evening.

2. Audit/learning plan

In addition to the daily planning, a learning plan is very important for the next 4-8 weeks. Especially if the tests are due in the coming weeks. This learning plan should include a daily overview of the coming weeks to the last exam. First and foremost, you enter your exam dates into this plan.

Subsequently, all other appointments that are due during this period will be entered. This can be, for example, a dental appointment or Grandma's birthday. Now you think about how much time you have to plan for each exam. Think again of sufficient buffer time. At least one day buffer time you should plan. If you start early enough (and you should!), Plan your study time so that you are through with the material about 3 days before the exam. So you could write each exam 3 days before the event. In this way, you will outsmart your brain and then have enough time, if something intervenes or in the best case of deepening.

Like the daily schedule, the learning plan should be recorded either in writing or digitally. Place this in a place where you always see it. This could be over your desk, for example.

You should always carry another version with you either on the smartphone (App: Trello) or on paper. Of course, you can also transfer the data to your pocket calendar. As soon as an appointment comes up or shifts occur, you can note this on the go. In this way, nothing is lost or even forgotten.

time management tips

3. Eliminate sources of interference

The people who have the least time are usually the people with the largest, unidentified sources of interference. Be it the little brother or the smartphone. If you want to be productive and learn, eliminate those sources of interference. Find a quiet place to study. Most people are unaware of what their sources of interference are. Therefore, it is important to have defined these in advance. What are your sources of interference?

Once you have analyzed and identified these, you can also make sure that they do not occur anymore. In addition, you should actively plan your time planning with your family or for Instagram. In this way, you plan your sources of interference, which incidentally happen actively in your day at a certain time. But this also means that the sources of interference must be limited in time.

4. Set priorities

A tip that you should do first. Think about what matters in the coming time your priority. You can, for example, write down these and assign priorities from A to C. If learning or upcoming exams are on your Priority List A, you should consider this in your scheduling and plan most of the time for learning accordingly. Priorities can change over and over again, so it is very important to question your own priorities on a regular basis.

Eisenhower Matrix

The difficulty lies in the allocation of priorities. To simplify this, Eisenhower matrix can help. This basically contains a 4-field matrix.

  1. Do: important and urgenteisenhower matrix

  2. Plan: important and not urgent

  3. Delegate: not important and urgent

  4. Eliminate: not important and not urgent

Using this matrix, each task can be questioned as to whether the completion is important and/or urgent. If it is important and important, the task should be checked first and in a timely manner. Urgent tasks should be done immediately while the important tasks can wait.

The following YouTube video explains the principle in a comprehensive and practical way: How to Prioritize Tasks efficiently and effectively.


5. Bundle of similar tasks

Another important trick to save time and to make the most of your energy. In Tip # 1 we already talked about planning in blocks. This you can combine well with this tip. For example, you should bundle medical appointments and do one afternoon in a 3-hour block. It's similar to phone calls you have to make. In this way, the brain can concentrate optimally on the respective task and you do not consume unnecessary energy.

Usually, the task does not take most of the time, but the preparation and follow-up. Bundling tasks into a block increase in working time, but the time for preparation and follow-up remains the same.

6. Biorhythm

Our biorhythm determines our entire life, our behavior, our productivity, and our success. Therefore, it is very important that you know exactly how your rhythm is going. To find out, write down for a week each day how you feel in the morning, noon, afternoon, and evening. How fit, balanced, motivated and productive are you at certain times of the day?

Most people are most productive in the mornings. Lunch and dinner is the most unproductive time. If you recognize yourself here, get up early!

Of course, it is important to get a good and adequate sleep, but you can get up at 6 in the morning. In this way, you have time in the morning and can be productive before the first lesson or lecture.

7. Eat the frog

A principle that you should consider in your daily planning. Always do the hardest or most important task first. In this way, on the one hand, you have the first sense of achievement as soon as this task is completed. And secondly, your brain subconsciously continues working on this task throughout the day. Brian Tracy wrote the book " Eat the frog " years ago. In this, he shows 21 ways to create more in less time. Eat the frog is one of the strategies and also the title of the book.

For example, if you give an important presentation the next day, preparing for this lecture should not only be a priority in today's daily planning but also be the first to be done. The reason for this is the application of importance and urgency.

Now it is up to you to implement all the mentioned time management tips. With the implementation, you will notice how much more productive your work. In this way, you will create more in less time. There is no secret recipe to establish good time management. You have to implement it.

Good luck with your own time management! Don't forget to review this article: 7 time management tips before you leave. Thanks.

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